Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Run on IPAs...

The Organic Brewer's Fest brought some pretty tasty beers, however I was unable to secure a glass of Laurelwood's Organic Green Mammoth.

Pictured here is one of our own bloggers being handed the last pint of IPA (and this was a shitty one) at the festival.

Due to the run on IPAs and apparent popularity of hoppy beers in the Portland metro area, the festival now features 12 tents of nothing but Widmer hefeweizen. Bring some lemons.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

IPA #2 (Four Squre IPA)

Four-Squre IPA

A richer, redder, more malty version of number one. The malt bill combines domestic 2-row and munich malts as base malts, with victory and crystal malts to bring out the color and flavor. Hops are Centennial, Nugget and Amarillo through the boil, plus 2 weeks of dry hopping in the secondary with Centennial. Yeast is Wyeast 1056.

I'm proud of this one, but as always, successive brews will make tweaks one variable at a time.

I love this hobby.